Randy Frazee Author

Author Randy Frazee is a leader in Bible engagement, spiritual formation, and biblical community.

Inspiring Believers & Biblical Communities to

Think, Act &
Be Like Jesus

As a teacher and author, Randy Frazee is a leader and innovator in Bible engagement, spiritual formation, and biblical community.

Latest Teaching     

Experience The Story in a 31-week teaching series! Explore the Bible’s seamless, chronological narrative and discover how God’s plan connects to your life.          

The Joy Challenge Book by Randy Frazee

Discover the Ancient Secret to Experiencing Worry-Defeating, Circumstance-Defying Happiness:

The Joy Challenge

Encounter real joy and circumstance-defying contentment! Frazee combines the science of happiness with the book of Philippians to close the "joy gap" between how you feel now and how you wish you felt.